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Dr. Murali Bashyam
Research Interests
Molecular Oncology Group
Past Members
Awards, Fellowships and Honours
Home » Molecular Oncology » Gallery
Laboratory of Molecular Oncology - Gallery

Science is our hobby.. but having fun is our passion!!

Lab treat

Congratulations Dr.Sara

Lab Picture

JRF pratyusha: sports champion of the lab

Captain in lab & on field

Fruit carving

Healthy body - Healthy mind


No occassion is left uncelebrated!!

Congratulations Dr. Ratheesh

Lab Lunch

Purani Delhi - our favourite

LMO.. a great team outside lab too!!

CDFD Foundation Day 2014

Lab outing

Lab outing

trip to Srisailam

Trip to Gandipet

Trip to erstwhile CDFD building at Gandipet

Contact Information
Email: bashyam<at>cdfd.org.in
Phone: +91-40-27216112
Fax: +91-40-27216006
Last updated on : Wednesday, 31th July, 2024.
Copyright @ 2008 CDFD.